Monday, February 25, 2008

Claire looks forward to meeting everyone soon!

Greetings from Crafty Capers! We are very excited to be open for business. We can't wait for all of you to venture in to see this exciting and fun shop. Has the cold and snow kept you inside way too much this winter? Well, it's time to break out your scarf and mittens and make a visit to downtown Westfield to check us out! Located right next door to Stitches & Scones, there is parking behind the shop, just turn down the alley between the two buildings. You will find the most colorful, cheery atmosphere you can imagine. A lot of love and thought has gone into the efforts with this new location. Our young people will never appreciate or value the skills of generations past without learning from our generation. We now have Molli and her talented staff to thank for allowing us to carry on these traditions with the next generations. Crafty Capers is stocked with yummy yarns for all sorts of projects, as well as kits for children and teens to complete many projects like weaving, knitting, crocheting, cross stitch and quilting. You must come in to play with the vast assortment of Folkmanis Puppets. From finger puppets to almost life-size puppets, they are definitely designed for all ages, especially the young at heart. Books and vintage toys round out the selection to choose from as we get started. Come in on Monday or Tuesdays so we can get the opportunity to meet. An avid fan of Stitches and Scones, I am thrilled to be working for Molli here at Crafty Capers. I have been knitting, sewing, needlepointing and cross stitching since childhood. I even have my potholder loom from childhood to pass on to my grand daughters soon. It is very heartwarming to watch my daughters as they love the fiber arts and are carrying on the tradition of hand-made gifts. I look forward to teaching my grand children all of these skills too. Crafty Capers will enable all parents and grandparents to involve the young people in their lives to follow in their footsteps. I even envision a talented teen or tween sitting down to teach their mother the fun of knitting or crocheting. The love of fiber arts is definitely contagious, not to mention relaxing. Just ask any one here at Stitches & Scones or Crafty Capers. I'll be watching for you, so stop on by! Claire

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